Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Day-7 ONE WEEK!!

Today has been much, much better than yesterday.  I'm feeling a lot better and I have more energy.  And having my kids here is really nice too.

I can't believe it's already been a week! most people when they have this surgery lose a lot of weight, 5-10 lbs in the first week...20+ overall.  Then there's me.  I GAINED 6 lbs in the first few days.  Ha-I'm not sure if it was all swelling or the fact that my diet had a sudden mass increase in heavy whipping cream (I thin soups, shakes, smoothies, etc with it).  As of today I'm back down to my "pre-surgery weight".  And while I'm by no means "trying" to lose weight, I do expect losing some will be the natural consequence of a 6-week "no chew" diet.  I just found it humorous that I found a way to gain weight during this process! Ha-ha.

I honestly don't have much to report...

I am having some spasms in my face today.  Uncomfortable, but not unbearable.  And from what I understand, completely normal.

I did make the effort to put on make up and jewelry today, so that's special!

Attempted smile...

...but no, my face is still frozen.

Still a ton of swelling...but it's getting better every day!


  1. I was thinking the same thing. You are such a wonderful example to me of dealing with adversity with poise and grace. Dang, I don't even bother with makeup and earrings if I don't have anyplace to be. I love that you are sharing this journey and being so transparent. Sending love. XO
