Thursday, April 21, 2016


So today has gone pretty well, much better than I anticipated for sure.  I don't really have lot of pain, mostly a really tight, bruised feeling, which does make sense seeing as I'm pretty swollen and bruised.

I was released from ICU around 9:15 am.  That was my choice, I could have stayed there until Dr. Z finished his cases at the AFA and had him come to Evans when he was done, but they offered going ahead and releasing me and having me go to the AFA for Dr. Z to squeeze me in.  I opted to get out of ICU and run up the the Academy.  Good choice, as it only took a few minutes.

And guess what...he took off my splint and bands!  He'd previously told me I'd need the splint for 1-6 weeks, but he said everything looks perfect and that there was no reason to leave that thing in there!  YAAAAY!!  They also did new x-rays while I was there.  It's hard to tell from the x-rays how far he moved my jaw but he said about 5mm.  Getting used to my bite being in a new position (albeit the correct position) is going to take some getting used to.  He moved my chin a lot and you can definitely tell where is was moved on the x-rays.

Today's annoyances are minor.  I can't close my lips because everything is so swollen (which from what I understand, will get worse until Day-5), The swelling in general (My face feels soooo heavy, like I'm carrying 10 extra pounds), talking is difficult, and I have a minor sore throat (presumably from the breathing tube)... but it could definitely be worse.

I'm still praising God for how well everything went.  When I was at the Air Force Academy this morning, I saw a lot of my surgical team and they all reiterated how well the procedure went.  Apparently it was one of the fastest times they've ever performed this procedure in.

So medications...

Percocet (Oxycodone/Acetaminophen): Obviously for pain.  I'm taking it as little as possible (once so far today).  They told me to take it when my pain gets to a 3 or 4 and I just haven't really gotten there too much.

800mg Ibuprofen:  For inflammation and swelling

Peridex: Medicated mouth wash to help keep mouth clean

Antibiotic: To prevent infection

Young Living Essential Oils: Helichrysum, Frankincense, Copaiba, Idaho Balsam Fir, & Lavender have been my go to oils.

Young Living Lip Balm: They work so well! My lips had some cuts from the procedure, and they've really helped them heal right up

Ice: pretty much constantly, but I'm supposed to switch to heat tomorrow (which I'm looking forward to because, ya know, it's warm).

Pure Protein drinks
Jucie (we have a juicer so this will help me get some good vitamins in)
Baby Food
Homemade (really thin) smoothies and milkshakes
Chicken Broth
Water (as much as I can force down)

Oh, I also learned a new trick.  I can drink out of a cup without spilling!  Maybe that doesn't seem like a big deal, but it so is.

Also, sneezing isn't pleasant at all, but I keep having to sneeze.  I really hope it doesn't mess anything up.

I go back to see my surgeon  on Monday 7/25.  He has to take the 2 little stitches on each side of my face out.

I guess that's about all I have for today other than some Day-1 pictures for your viewing pleasure. Ha, I look like Ryan Reynolds looks in a fat suit.  Ewwwwww.

Thin one shows the bruising pretty well (it's on both sides).

My attempted smile.  That lovely tape has to stay on until Sunday.
And this one just shows the swelling pretty well...It's mostly down in my neck.  

Trying to show my new bite, but there's so much swelling it's hard.  Definitely can't stick my tongue out with my mouth closed any more!
The left x-ray is the before; right is after.  Like I said it's hard to tell how much the jaw moved, but it was about 5mm.
And another after x-ray

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